Friday, May 2, 2008

Crowd is crazy for Madonna

Passerby watching police control the crowd on West 52d Street Wednesday night must have thought President Bush was inside Roseland Ballroom instead of Madonna. Her one-night-only performance, broadcast over Verizon, had fans - some of whom slept outside for three days just to get a wristband - so obsessed, they were crying and trying to sneak past the barriers.

At one point, the crowd of about 3,000 got so crazy that a cop pulled his gun and ran after a nutty fan who tried to slip in a side door. Other officers repeatedly yelled, 'Get off the sidewalk!' - but only managed to push fans into honking traffic.

Following her short set that rocked the house, Madonna and Justin Timberlake hit The Box, along with Michael Stipe, Alexander McQueen, Josh Duhamel, Ingrid Sischy, Alex Rodriguez and Donna Karan, who brought her kabbalah teacher.

From New York Post -

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